Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What was that?.... I thought I heard something.

Sounded like my voice.... sounded like something I would say to you.

Did I say that out loud.... sounded like something I think about always but am not supposed to say anymore..... even when I am alone.

There it was again... I miss the way my voice sounds when I say those words.

I don't even know I'm doing it anymore.

It's an uncontrollable reaction to everything my heart and mind know to be true.

I can't stop it.... no one can stop it.... and for now at least... I don't want to.

I can feel it coming again.... I must let it out..... I don't care who hears me.....

I Love You.... I Just Love You....


Jane Hards Photography said...

Original and stunning both words and image.

Mr. Lost said...

Thank you very much. Love your pics. I know a few people that are either from or have been to the Isle of Man. It's nice to put images with their stories of how beautiful it is there.